

I have been disappeared from my bloggie quite a long time.Do you guys agree? =(

I'm so sorry to my dearest bloggie as I really don't want to touch it from the previous weeks.I think my bloggie will ask me WHY.='(

That's all because of I was busying ,lazying , and no mood to update my bloggie.=( Very very very Sorry....

This week, I quite free.Today is Monday, but I'm staying at my dearest home.WHY? Because my JAZZ spoiled.My parent don't let me drive JAZZ back to Kampar as it was dangerous.And I really can't find any reason for me to go back Kampar.All the presentation and assignment were done.Now, I just waiting for FINAL.

But I didn't touch my studies yet.I 'm lazy and no mood for it.

Anyways, Just forget it.What I want settle first was his birthday is coming soon.=D And I haven't think how to celebrate with him.HOW HOW HOW???=(

Any suggest?

Okay, I think is time to end up this post.So,


1 条评论:

匿名 说...

我是用sony的,这要看你喜欢拍怎么样的照片咯,不过是我的话,我会推荐你canon吧!canon's lens 会较便宜,而且容易上手。nikon会比较难。颜色、对比度、饱和度方面你可以在相机里调。所以不用担心拍出来的色彩你不满意。(更不满意的话可以用电脑edit XD)=]sony的lens会很贵,但是我很满意^^。canon和nikon相比,前者柔后者刚。其实大家都互相弥补的。你可以上网去看看他们的评论。其实全部的牌子拍出来的都很漂亮,只要懂得利用它。=) so suprise u find me..LOL..---mika